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The 16th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia : FREESPACE

The 16th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia : FREESPACE

นิทรรศการสถาปัตยกรรมนานาชาติ - เวนิส เบียนนาเล ครั้งที่ 16
วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม - 25 พฤศจิกายน 2561
ณ นครเวนิส สาธารณรัฐอิตาลี
ภายใต้แนวคิด Free Space
โดย Yvonne Farrell และ Shelley McNamara

The 16th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia

นิทรรศการสถาปัตยกรรมนานาชาติ - เวนิส เบียนนาเล (The International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia) คือ งานมหกรรมด้านสถาปัตยกรรมนานาชาติ ณ นครเวนิส สาธารณรัฐอิตาลี โดยจัดประจำทุกๆ 2 ปี 

ซึ่งนิทรรศการหลักจะแบ่งเป็น 2 โซน คือ จิอาดินี (Giardini) และ อาเซนาเล (Arsenale) ทั้งยังกระจายไปยังสถานที่ต่างๆ ที่มีคุณค่าทางประวัติศาสตร์ใจกลางเมืองเวนิส

นิทรรศการนี้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการจัดแสดงงานศิลปะร่วมสมัยที่มีชื่อเสียงที่สุดในโลก ซึ่งเริ่มต้นขึ้นในปีพ.ศ.2438 (ค.ศ.1895) ปัจจุบันมีผู้เข้าร่วมงานแต่ละครั้งราว 500,000 คน ระยะแรกเป็นการจัดงานแสดงศิลปะทุกสาขาร่วมกัน และมาแยกเป็นสาขาสถาปัตยกรรมครั้งแรกเมื่อปีพ.ศ.2523

ล่าสุดเป็นการจัดงานครั้งที่ 16 เปิดให้เข้าชมตั้งแต่วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม - 25 พฤศจิกายน 2561 ภายใต้แนวคิด Free Space โดย Yvonne Farrell และ Shelley McNamara เป็นภัณฑารักษ์ของงาน

นิทรรศการครั้งนี้มีผลงานที่นำมาจัดแสดง 71 โครงการ มีโครงการพิเศษแบ่งออกเป็น 2 ส่วน คือ
1. Close Encounter จำนวน 16 โครงการ เป็นการประชุมกับโครงการที่น่าทึ่งและนำเสนอผลงานที่มีต้นกำเนิดมาจากการสะท้อนถึงสิ่งปลูกสร้างที่มีชื่อเสียงในอดีต 
2. The Practice of Teaching จำนวน 12 โครงการ เป็นโครงการที่พัฒนาเพื่อการศึกษา
The 16th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia
ภาพ : Paolo Baratta, ประธานจัดงาน

President Paolo Baratta stated:

«As was the case for the previous editions of Biennale Architettura, we continue our investigation into the relationship between architecture and civil society.

The divide between architecture and civil society, caused by the latter's increasing difficulty in expressing its own needs and finding appropriate answers, has led to dramatic urban developments whose main feature is the marked absence of public spaces, or the growth of other areas dominated by indifference in the suburbs and peripheries of our cities.

The absence of architecture makes the world poorer and diminishes the level of public welfare, otherwise reached by economic and demographic developments.

To rediscover architecture means to renew a strong desire for the quality of the spaces where we live, which are a form of public wealth that needs to be constantly protected, renovated and created. 

This is the path taken by the next Biennale Architettura.»

As usual, the 16th International Architecture Exhibition will also present the National Participations with their own exhibitions in the Pavilions at the Giardini and at the Arsenale, and in the historic city centre of Venice.

This edition will also include selected Collateral Events, presented by international institutions, which will present their exhibitions and initiatives in Venice concurrently with the 16th Exhibition.


The 16th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia

ภาพ : Yvonne Farrell และ Shelley McNamara ภัณฑารักษ์ของงานครั้งนี้ 

The President of La Biennale di Venezia, Paolo Baratta, together with the curators of the 16th International Architecture Exhibition, Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara, met the press today at Ca’ Giustinian to launch the 16th International Architecture Exhibition that will take place from May 26th to November 25th 2018 (Preview May 24th and 25th) in the Giardini and the Arsenale, and around other venues in Venice.
Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara titled the 16th International Architecture Exhibition  Freespace, and explained their choice with the following words:
«Freespace describes a generosity of spirit and a sense of humanity at the core of architecture's agenda, focusing on the quality of space itself.
Freespace focuses on architecture’s ability to provide free and additional spatial gifts to those who use it and on its ability to address the unspoken wishes of strangers.
Freespace celebrates architecture’s capacity to find additional and unexpected generosity in each project - even within the most private, defensive, exclusive or commercially restricted conditions.
Freespace provides the opportunity to emphasise nature’s free gifts of light - sunlight and moonlight, air, gravity, materials - natural and man-made resources.
Freespace encourages reviewing ways of thinking, new ways of seeing the world, of inventing solutions where architecture provides for the  well being and dignity of  each citizen of this fragile planet.
Freespace can be a space for opportunity, a democratic space, un-programmed and free for uses not yet conceived. There is an exchange between people and buildings that happens, even if not intended or designed, so buildings themselves find ways of sharing and engaging with people over time, long after the architect has left the scene. Architecture has an active as well as a passive life.
Freespace encompasses freedom to imagine, the free space of time and memory, binding past, present and future together, building on inherited cultural layers, weaving the archaic with the contemporary.
The 16th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia
With the theme of Freespace, the Biennale Architettura 2018 will present for public scrutiny examples, proposals, elements - built or unbuilt - of work that exemplifies essential qualities of architecture which include the modulation, richness and materiality of surface; the orchestration and sequencing of movement, revealing  the embodied power and beauty of architecture.

The exhibition will have a spatial, physical presence of a scale and quality, which will impact on the visitor, communicating architecture’s complex spatial nature.

The exhibition invites emotional and intellectual engagement of the many who come to the Biennale in order to understand architecture more fully, to stimulate discussion on core architectural values and to celebrate architecture’s proven and enduring contribution to humanity.

When Jørn Utzon thinks about a concrete and tiled seat at the entrance of Can Lis, Majorca, it is moulded perfectly to the human body for comfort and pleasure. Spatially, it is a ‘word’ of greeting, of welcome.

Angelo Mangiarotti ‘says’ the same thing at the entrance to 24 Via Quadronno, Milan where a gently sloping path, with a seat at the entrance threshold ‘holds’ you and welcomes you home from the city.

Lina Bo Bardi raised the museum of modern art in Sao Paolo in order to make a ‘belvedere’ for the citizens to overlook the city.

The Medici Palace in Florence represents power and wealth but the stone seat which forms part of the solid façade almost turns the building inside out. The solid wall becomes the enclosing wall of the public space. What is solid seems outward looking and generous.

We believe that everyone has the right to benefit from architecture. The role of architecture is to give shelter to our bodies and to lift our spirits. A beautiful wall forming a street edge gives pleasure to the passer-by, even if they never go inside.  So too does a glimpse into a courtyard through an archway; or a place to lean against in the shade or a recess which offers protection from the wind and rain.

We are interested in going beyond the visual, emphasizing the role of architecture in the choreography of daily life.

We see the earth as Client. This brings with it long-lasting responsibilities. Architecture is the play of light, sun, shade, moon, air, wind, gravity in ways that reveal the mysteries of the world. All of these resources are free.

It is examples of generosity and thoughtfulness in architecture throughout the world that will be celebrated in the 16th International Architecture Exhibition. We believe these qualities sustain the fundamental capacity of architecture to nurture and support meaningful contact between people and place. We focus our attention on these qualities because we consider that intrinsic to them are optimism and continuity. Architecture that embodies these qualities and does so with generosity and a desire for exchange is what we call Freespace.

We invite all participants and every national pavilion to bring to Venice their Freespace, so together we may reveal the diversity, specificity and continuity in architecture based on people, place, time, history, to sustain the culture and relevance of architecture on this dynamic planet.

“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in” - Greek Proverb.»
The 16th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia   The 16th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia   The 16th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia
The 16th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia   The 16th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia
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โครงการพิเศษ จากงานเวนิสเบียนนาเล 2018
รางวัลสิงห์ทองคำ จากงานเวนิสเบียนนาเล 2018
Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement 2018
ศาลาไทยในงานเวนิสเบียนนาเล ครั้งที่ 16

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